Johann Strauss’ Die Fledermaus is a comedic series of mischief, intrigue, and revenge set at a lavish Viennese bal. Palm Beach Opera’s Chief Conductor, David Stern, conducts this high-spirited comedy, directed by Artistic Director of Opera at Manhattan School of Music, Dona Vaughn.
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Works by Mozart and Hans Rott Gustav Mahler posthumously called Hans Rott the “the founder of the New Symphony”. The E major […]
West Palm Beach, FL (August 26, 2024) – Palm Beach Opera announces the contract extension of internationally-acclaimed conductor David Stern through the 2026-2027 season with the new title of Music Director. Maestro Stern has served as Palm Beach Opera’s Chief Conductor since 2015, an appointment that was made following his impressive musical leadership of the company’s world premiere of Enemies, A Love Story by Ben Moore and Nahma Sandrow.
Tosca is a violent and turbulent story that exposes the kind of raw emotional content that defines verismo, the style that urges opera to connect completely to credible, real life situations.
May 19th – 8 PM – Théâtre des Champs-Elysées (Paris) This recital caters to Spyers’ exceptional range and features composers such as […]